templates/pages/vacancy_detail.html.twig line 1

Open in your IDE?
  1. {% extends "pages/vacancy_detail_layout_base.html.twig" %}
  2. {#{% block content %}#}
  3.     {#<!-- Modal -->#}
  4.     {#{{ render(controller(#}
  5.         {#'App\\Controller\\Page\\ApplicantController::formModalAction',#}
  6.         {#{ 'id': vacancy.id }#}
  7.     {#)) }}#}
  8.     {#<!-- Version 2 of vacancy view -->#}
  9.     {#<div data-component="Vacancy,Favorite,Apply,CustomHeader"#}
  10.          {#data-vacancy-id="{{ vacancy.id }}"{% if vacancy.company.heroName is defined and vacancy.company.heroName is not empty %} data-custom-header="{{ media_asset(vacancy.company.hero) }}" {% endif %}#}
  11.          {#class="component component--default component--vacancy-detail component--vacancy-detail__second-version">#}
  12.         {#<div class="row">#}
  13.             {#<div class="col">#}
  14.                 {#<a href="{{ path('vacancies') }}" title="{{ 'To vacancy overview'|trans }}"#}
  15.                    {#class="is-btn is-btn--link is-btn--vacancy-overview pl-0 float-left"#}
  16.                    {#data-settings='{"class": "buttonProps"}'>#}
  17.                     {#<i class="far fa-angle-left icon-before"></i>#}
  18.                     {#{{ 'To vacancy overview'|trans }}#}
  19.                 {#</a>#}
  20.                 {#<div class="card">#}
  21.                     {#<div class="vacancy-intro">#}
  22.                         {#<div class="card-body">#}
  23.                             {#<div class="row">#}
  24.                                 {#{% if vacancy.company.logo is defined and vacancy.company.logo %}#}
  25.                                     {#<div class="col-12 col-md-2">#}
  26.                                         {#<figure class="logo logo-left">#}
  27.                                             {#<img loading="lazy" src="{{ media_asset(vacancy.company.logo) }}"#}
  28.                                                  {#alt="{{ vacancy.company.name }}">#}
  29.                                         {#</figure>#}
  30.                                     {#</div>#}
  31.                                 {#{% endif %}#}
  32.                                 {#<div class="col-12 col-md-10">#}
  33.                                     {#<div class="vacancy-title">#}
  34.                                         {#<h1>{{ vacancy.title }}</h1>#}
  35.                                     {#</div>#}
  36.                                     {#<div class="vacancy-options">#}
  37.                                         {#<ul>#}
  38.                                             {#{% if config_setting('site_vacancy_city_visible_on_detail') %}#}
  39.                                                 {#{% if vacancy.city %}#}
  40.                                                     {#<li>#}
  41.                                                         {#{% if config_setting('site_vacancy_city_on_detail_icon') %}#}
  42.                                                             {#<i class="{{ config_setting('site_vacancy_city_on_detail_icon') }}"></i>#}
  43.                                                         {#{% else %}#}
  44.                                                             {#<i class="fas fa-fw fa-map-marker"></i>#}
  45.                                                         {#{% endif %}#}
  46.                                                         {#{{ vacancy.city }}#}
  47.                                                     {#</li>#}
  48.                                                 {#{% endif %}#}
  49.                                             {#{% endif %}#}
  50.                                             {#{% for optionValue in vacancy.optionValues if optionValue.option.visibleInDetail %}#}
  51.                                                 {#<li>#}
  52.                                                     {#<i class="{{ optionValue.option.fontAwesomeIcon }}"></i>{{ optionValue.value }}#}
  53.                                                 {#</li>#}
  54.                                             {#{% endfor %}#}
  55.                                             {#{% if feature('feature_vacancy_map') %}#}
  56.                                                 {#<li class="on-map">#}
  57.                                                     {#<span class="option-sub">(#}
  58.                                                         {#<a href="#" title="{{ 'Show on map'|trans }}"><i#}
  59.                                                                     {#class="far fa-fw fa-map"></i>{{ 'Show on map'|trans }}</a>#}
  60.                                                     {#)</span>#}
  61.                                                 {#</li>#}
  62.                                             {#{% endif %}#}
  63.                                         {#</ul>#}
  64.                                     {#</div>#}
  65.                                     {#{% if vacancy.published %}#}
  66.                                         {#<div class="vacancy-actions">#}
  67.                                             {#{% if vacancy.externalUrl %}#}
  68.                                                 {#<a target="_blank" href="{{ vacancy.externalUrl }}" title="{{ 'Apply'|trans }}"#}
  69.                                                    {#class="is-btn is-background-color-accent" data-settings='{"class": "buttonProps"}'>#}
  70.                                                     {#<i class="fal fa-pencil icon-before"></i>#}
  71.                                                     {#{{ 'Apply'|trans }}#}
  72.                                                 {#</a>#}
  73.                                             {#{% else %}#}
  74.                                                 {#<a href="{{ path('vacancy_apply', {'id': vacancy.id }) }}"#}
  75.                                                    {#title="{{ 'Apply'|trans }}" class="is-btn is-background-color-accent{% if not is_mobile() %} apply-btn_modal{% endif %}"#}
  76.                                                    {#data-settings='{"class": "buttonProps"}'>#}
  77.                                                     {#<i class="fal fa-pencil icon-before"></i>#}
  78.                                                     {#{{ 'Apply'|trans }}#}
  79.                                                 {#</a>#}
  80.                                             {#{% endif %}#}
  81.                                             {#{% if feature('feature_vacancy_save_as_favorite') %}#}
  82.                                                 {#<span class="d-none" data-is-favorited="true">#}
  83.                                                 {#<i class="fal fa-times icon-before"></i>#}
  84.                                                 {#<span>{{ 'Delete'|trans }} {{ 'as favorite'|trans }}</span>#}
  85.                                             {#</span>#}
  86.                                                 {#<span class="d-none" data-is-favorited="false">#}
  87.                                                 {#<i class="fal fa-star icon-before"></i>#}
  88.                                                 {#<span>{{ 'Save as favorite'|trans }}</span>#}
  89.                                             {#</span>#}
  90.                                                 {#<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="is-btn is-btn--link favourite favorite-add favorite-vacancy"></a>#}
  91.                                             {#{% endif %}#}
  92.                                             {#{% include 'pages/partials/vacancy_detail_sharing.html.twig' %}#}
  93.                                         {#</div>#}
  94.                                     {#{% endif %}#}
  95.                                 {#</div>#}
  96.                             {#</div>#}
  97.                         {#</div>#}
  98.                     {#</div>#}
  99.                 {#</div>#}
  100.             {#</div>#}
  101.         {#</div>#}
  102.         {#<div class="row">#}
  103.             {#<main class="col-12 col-lg-8">#}
  104.                 {#<div class="card">#}
  105.                     {#<div class="card-body">#}
  106.                         {#{% include 'pages/blocks/inavailable_message.html.twig' %}#}
  107.                         {#{% if config_setting('site_vacancy_intro_visible_on_detail') %}#}
  108.                             {#{{ vacancy.intro|raw }}#}
  109.                         {#{% endif %}#}
  110.                         {#{{ vacancy|vacancy_description|raw }}#}
  111.                         {#{% if vacancy.canApply %}#}
  112.                             {#<div class="button-set h-align h-align-left">#}
  113.                                 {#{% if vacancy.externalUrl %}#}
  114.                                     {#<a target="_blank" href="{{ vacancy.externalUrl }}" title="{{ 'Apply'|trans }}"#}
  115.                                        {#class="is-btn is-background-color-accent" data-settings='{"class": "buttonProps"}'>#}
  116.                                         {#<i class="fal fa-pencil icon-before"></i>#}
  117.                                         {#{{ 'Apply'|trans }}#}
  118.                                     {#</a>#}
  119.                                 {#{% else %}#}
  120.                                     {#<a href="{{ path('vacancy_apply', {'id': vacancy.id }) }}" title="{{ 'Apply'|trans }}"#}
  121.                                        {#class="is-btn is-background-color-accent{% if not is_mobile() %} apply-btn_modal{% endif %}" data-settings='{"class": "buttonProps"}'>#}
  122.                                         {#<i class="fal fa-pencil icon-before"></i>#}
  123.                                         {#{{ 'Apply'|trans }}#}
  124.                                     {#</a>#}
  125.                                 {#{% endif %}#}
  126.                             {#</div>#}
  127.                         {#{% endif %}#}
  128.                     {#</div>#}
  129.                 {#</div>#}
  130.             {#</main>#}
  131.             {#<aside class="col-12 col-lg-4">#}
  132.                 {#{% if vacancy.startDate and vacancy.endDate or vacancy.youtube %}#}
  133.                     {#<div class="widget widget--vac-info card">#}
  134.                         {#<div class="card-body">#}
  135.                             {#<h3>{{ 'Vacancy information'|trans }}</h3>#}
  136.                             {#{% if vacancy.startDate and vacancy.endDate %}#}
  137.                                 {#<ul>#}
  138.                                     {#{% if vacancy.startDate %}#}
  139.                                         {#<li><i class="far fa-calendar-alt"></i>{{ 'Open since'|trans }} {{ vacancy.startDate|date('d-m-Y') }}</li>#}
  140.                                     {#{% endif %}#}
  141.                                     {#{% if vacancy.endDate %}#}
  142.                                         {#<li>#}
  143.                                             {#<i class="far fa-hourglass-start"></i>{{ 'Closing date'|trans }} {{ vacancy.endDate|date('d-m-Y') }}#}
  144.                                         {#</li>#}
  145.                                     {#{% endif %}#}
  146.                                 {#</ul>#}
  147.                             {#{% endif %}#}
  148.                             {#{% if vacancy.youtube is not empty %}#}
  149.                                 {#<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">#}
  150.                                     {#<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="{{ vacancy.youtube|youtube }}"#}
  151.                                             {#allowfullscreen></iframe>#}
  152.                                 {#</div>#}
  153.                             {#{% endif %}#}
  154.                         {#</div>#}
  155.                     {#</div>#}
  156.                 {#{% endif %}#}
  157.                 {#<div class="widget widget--office card">#}
  158.                     {#<div class="card-body">#}
  159.                         {#<h3>{{ vacancy.company.name }}</h3>#}
  160.                         {#{% if vacancy.address and vacancy.zipcode and vacancy.city %}#}
  161.                             {#<p>#}
  162.                                 {#{{ vacancy.address }} <br>#}
  163.                                 {#{{ vacancy.zipcode }}, {{ vacancy.city }}#}
  164.                             {#</p>#}
  165.                         {#{% else %}#}
  166.                             {#{% if vacancy.company.address and vacancy.company.zipcode and vacancy.company.city %}#}
  167.                                 {#<p>#}
  168.                                     {#{{ vacancy.company.address }} <br>#}
  169.                                     {#{{ vacancy.company.zipcode }}, {{ vacancy.company.city }}#}
  170.                                 {#</p>#}
  171.                             {#{% endif %}#}
  172.                         {#{% endif %}#}
  173.                         {#{% if feature('feature_vacancy_more_info') %}#}
  174.                             {#<ul>#}
  175.                                 {#<li>#}
  176.                                     {#<a href="#" title="{{ 'More vacancies of'|trans }} {{ vacancy.company.name }}">#}
  177.                                         {#<i class="far fa-list"></i>{{ 'More vacancies of establishment / office'|trans }}#}
  178.                                     {#</a>#}
  179.                                 {#</li>#}
  180.                                 {#<li>#}
  181.                                     {#<a href="#" title="{{ 'Employees speaking'|trans }}">#}
  182.                                         {#<i class="fal fa-users"></i>{{ 'Employees speaking'|trans }}#}
  183.                                     {#</a>#}
  184.                                 {#</li>#}
  185.                                 {#<li>#}
  186.                                     {#<a href="{{ getCompanyDetailPath(vacancy.company) }}"#}
  187.                                        {#title="{{ 'More information'|trans }}">#}
  188.                                         {#<i class="fal fa-info-circle"></i>{{ 'More information'|trans }}#}
  189.                                     {#</a>#}
  190.                                 {#</li>#}
  191.                             {#</ul>#}
  192.                         {#{% endif %}#}
  193.                     {#</div>#}
  194.                 {#</div>#}
  195.                 {#{% if vacancy.recruiter %}#}
  196.                     {#<div class="widget widget--recruiter card">#}
  197.                         {#<div class="card-body">#}
  198.                             {#<div class="row">#}
  199.                                 {#<div class="recruiter-img col-12 col-sm-3 col-lg-12 col-xl-4">#}
  200.                                     {#<img loading="lazy" src="{{ vich_uploader_asset(vacancy.recruiter, 'picture') }}"#}
  201.                                          {#alt="{{ vacancy.recruiter.firstname }} {{ vacancy.recruiter.lastname }}">#}
  202.                                 {#</div>#}
  203.                                 {#<div class="recruiter-info col-12 col-sm-9 col-lg-12 col-xl-8">#}
  204.                                     {#<h3>{{ 'For more information'|trans }}</h3>#}
  205.                                     {#<p>#}
  206.                                         {#<span>{{ vacancy.recruiter.firstname }} {{ vacancy.recruiter.lastname }}</span><br>#}
  207.                                         {#{{ vacancy.recruiter.email }}<br>#}
  208.                                         {#{{ vacancy.recruiter.phone }}#}
  209.                                         {#{% if config_setting('site_vacancy_show_whatsapp_button_recruiters') %}#}
  210.                                             {#{% if is_mobile() %}#}
  211.                                                 {#<a href="https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone={{ vacancy.recruiter.phone|formatPhoneE164 }}" title="{{ "App %s"|trans|format(vacancy.recruiter.firstName) }}">{{ "App %s"|trans|format(vacancy.recruiter.firstName) }}</a>#}
  212.                                             {#{% else %}#}
  213.                                                 {#<a href="https://web.whatsapp.com/send?phone={{ vacancy.recruiter.phone|formatPhoneE164 }}" title="{{ "App %s"|trans|format(vacancy.recruiter.firstName) }}">{{ "App %s"|trans|format(vacancy.recruiter.firstName) }}</a>#}
  214.                                             {#{% endif %}#}
  215.                                         {#{% endif %}#}
  216.                                     {#</p>#}
  217.                                 {#</div>#}
  218.                             {#</div>#}
  219.                         {#</div>#}
  220.                     {#</div>#}
  221.                 {#{% endif %}#}
  222.                 {#<div class="widget widget--sm widget--sm__default text-center">#}
  223.                     {#{% if config_setting('site_social_facebook') %}#}
  224.                         {#<a href="{{ config_setting('site_social_facebook') }}" title="{{ 'Follow %site-company-name% on'|trans({'%site-company-name%': site_company_name|default('Getnoticed')}) }} Facebook" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-facebook-f"></i></a>#}
  225.                     {#{% endif %}#}
  226.                     {#{% if config_setting('site_social_twitter') %}#}
  227.                         {#<a href="{{ config_setting('site_social_twitter') }}" title="{{ 'Follow %site-company-name% on'|trans({'%site-company-name%': site_company_name|default('Getnoticed')}) }} Twitter" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-x-twitter"></i></a>#}
  228.                     {#{% endif %}#}
  229.                     {#{% if config_setting('site_social_linkedin') %}#}
  230.                         {#<a href="{{ config_setting('site_social_linkedin') }}" title="{{ 'Follow %site-company-name% on'|trans({'%site-company-name%': site_company_name|default('Getnoticed')}) }} LinkedIn" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-linkedin-in"></i></a>#}
  231.                     {#{% endif %}#}
  232.                     {#{% if config_setting('site_social_youtube') %}#}
  233.                         {#<a href="{{ config_setting('site_social_youtube') }}" title="{{ 'Follow %site-company-name% on'|trans({'%site-company-name%': site_company_name|default('Getnoticed')}) }} Youtube" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-youtube"></i></a>#}
  234.                     {#{% endif %}#}
  235.                     {#{% if config_setting('site_social_instagram') %}#}
  236.                         {#<a href="{{ config_setting('site_social_instagram') }}" title="{{ 'Follow %site-company-name% on'|trans({'%site-company-name%': site_company_name|default('Getnoticed')}) }} Instagram" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-fw fa-instagram"></i></a>#}
  237.                     {#{% endif %}#}
  238.                 {#</div>#}
  239.             {#</aside>#}
  240.             {#{% if feature('feature_vacancy_related_vacancies') and relatedVacancies is not empty %}#}
  241.                 {#<div class="col-12">#}
  242.                     {#<div class="component component--related-vacancies">#}
  243.                         {#<h2>{{ 'Related vacancies'|trans }}</h2>#}
  244.                         {#<div class="row">#}
  245.                             {#{% for vacancy in relatedVacancies[:3] %}#}
  246.                                 {#<div class="col-12 {% if not loop.first %}col-md-6 {% endif %}col-lg-4 flex-same-height-item">#}
  247.                                     {#<div data-component="Favorite" data-vacancy-id="{{ vacancy.id }}"#}
  248.                                          {#class="card vacancy__first-version">#}
  249.                                         {#<div class="card-body">#}
  250.                                             {#<div class="vacancy">#}
  251.                                                 {#<div class="vacancy-top">#}
  252.                                                     {#<div class="vacancy-title">#}
  253.                                                         {#<a title="{{ vacancy.title }}"#}
  254.                                                            {#href="{{ path('vacancy_detail', {'id' : vacancy.id, 'slug' : vacancy.slug}) }}">#}
  255.                                                             {#<h3>{{ vacancy.title }}</h3>#}
  256.                                                         {#</a>#}
  257.                                                     {#</div>#}
  258.                                                     {#<div class="vacancy-badges">#}
  259.                                                         {#{% if vacancy.new %}#}
  260.                                                             {#<span class="badge badge--new">#}
  261.                                                                 {#<p>{{ 'New'|trans }}</p>#}
  262.                                                             {#</span>#}
  263.                                                         {#{% endif %}#}
  264.                                                         {#{% if vacancy.featured %}#}
  265.                                                             {#<span class="badge badge--topvacancy">#}
  266.                                                                 {#<p>{{ 'Featured vacancy'|trans }}</p>#}
  267.                                                             {#</span>#}
  268.                                                         {#{% endif %}#}
  269.                                                     {#</div>#}
  270.                                                 {#</div>#}
  271.                                                 {#<div class="vacancy-body" data-format="IntroFormatter">#}
  272.                                                     {#{{ vacancy.intro[:config_setting('site_vacancy_intro_character_limit')|default(200)]|raw }}{{ vacancy.intro|length > config_setting('site_vacancy_intro_character_limit')|default(200) ? '...' : '' }}#}
  273.                                                 {#</div>#}
  274.                                                 {#<div class="vacancy-footer">#}
  275.                                                     {#<div data-format="FooterFormatter" class="vacancy-options">#}
  276.                                                         {#<ul>#}
  277.                                                             {#{% if config_setting('site_vacancy_show_location') %}#}
  278.                                                                 {#<li><i class="fas fa-map-marker"></i> {{ vacancy.city }}</li>#}
  279.                                                             {#{% endif %}#}
  280.                                                             {#{% for optionValue in vacancy.optionValues %}#}
  281.                                                                 {#<li>#}
  282.                                                                     {#<i class="{{ optionValue.option.fontAwesomeIcon }}"></i>{{ optionValue.value }}#}
  283.                                                                 {#</li>#}
  284.                                                             {#{% endfor %}#}
  285.                                                         {#</ul>#}
  286.                                                     {#</div>#}
  287.                                                     {#<a href="{{ path('vacancy_detail', {'id' : vacancy.id, 'slug' : vacancy.slug}) }}"#}
  288.                                                        {#title="{{ vacancy.title }}"#}
  289.                                                        {#class="is-btn is-btn-small show-vacancy-btn">#}
  290.                                                         {#{{ 'Show vacancy'|trans }}<i class="far fa-angle-right icon-after"></i>#}
  291.                                                     {#</a>#}
  292.                                                 {#</div>#}
  293.                                             {#</div>#}
  294.                                         {#</div>#}
  295.                                     {#</div>#}
  296.                                 {#</div>#}
  297.                             {#{% endfor %}#}
  298.                         {#</div>#}
  299.                     {#</div>#}
  300.                 {#</div>#}
  301.             {#{% endif %}#}
  302.         {#</div>#}
  303.     {#</div>#}
  304. {#{% endblock %}#}