* Copyright 2012 Johannes M. Schmitt <schmittjoh@gmail.com>
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace JMS\I18nRoutingBundle\Router;
use JMS\I18nRoutingBundle\Exception\NotAcceptableLanguageException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Matcher\RequestMatcherInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
* I18n Router implementation.
* @author Johannes M. Schmitt <schmittjoh@gmail.com>
class I18nRouter extends Router
private $hostMap = array();
private $i18nLoaderId;
private $container;
protected $defaultLocale;
private $redirectToHost = true;
private $localeResolver;
* Constructor.
* The only purpose of this is to make the container available in the sub-class
* since it is declared private in the parent class.
* The parameters are not listed explicitly here because they are different for
* Symfony 2.0 and 2.1. If we did list them, it would make this class incompatible
* with one of both versions.
public function __construct()
call_user_func_array(array('Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router', '__construct'), func_get_args());
$this->container = func_get_arg(0);
public function setLocaleResolver(LocaleResolverInterface $resolver)
$this->localeResolver = $resolver;
* Whether the user should be redirected to a different host if the
* matching route is not belonging to the current domain.
* @param Boolean $bool
public function setRedirectToHost($bool)
$this->redirectToHost = (Boolean) $bool;
* Sets the host map to use.
* @param array $hostMap a map of locales to hosts
public function setHostMap(array $hostMap)
$this->hostMap = $hostMap;
public function setI18nLoaderId($id)
$this->i18nLoaderId = $id;
public function setDefaultLocale($locale)
$this->defaultLocale = $locale;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function generate($name, $parameters = array(), $referenceType = self::ABSOLUTE_PATH)
// determine the most suitable locale to use for route generation
$currentLocale = $this->context->getParameter('_locale');
if (isset($parameters['_locale'])) {
$locale = $parameters['_locale'];
} else if ($currentLocale) {
$locale = $currentLocale;
} else {
$locale = $this->defaultLocale;
// if the locale is changed, and we have a host map, then we need to
// generate an absolute URL
if ($currentLocale && $currentLocale !== $locale && $this->hostMap) {
$referenceType = self::NETWORK_PATH === $referenceType ? self::NETWORK_PATH : self::ABSOLUTE_URL;
$needsHost = self::NETWORK_PATH === $referenceType || self::ABSOLUTE_URL === $referenceType;
$generator = $this->getGenerator();
// if an absolute or network URL is requested, we set the correct host
if ($needsHost && $this->hostMap) {
$currentHost = $this->context->getHost();
try {
$url = $generator->generate($locale.I18nLoader::ROUTING_PREFIX.$name, $parameters, $referenceType);
if ($needsHost && $this->hostMap) {
return $url;
} catch (RouteNotFoundException $ex) {
if ($needsHost && $this->hostMap) {
// fallback to default behavior
// use the default behavior if no localized route exists
return $generator->generate($name, $parameters, $referenceType);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function match($url)
return $this->matchI18n(parent::match($url), $url);
public function getRouteCollection()
$collection = parent::getRouteCollection();
return $this->container->get($this->i18nLoaderId)->load($collection);
public function getOriginalRouteCollection()
return parent::getRouteCollection();
* To make compatible with Symfony <2.4
public function matchRequest(Request $request)
$matcher = $this->getMatcher();
$pathInfo = $request->getPathInfo();
if (!$matcher instanceof RequestMatcherInterface) {
// fallback to the default UrlMatcherInterface
return $this->matchI18n($matcher->match($pathInfo), $pathInfo);
return $this->matchI18n($matcher->matchRequest($request), $pathInfo);
private function matchI18n(array $params, $url)
if (false === $params) {
return false;
$request = $this->getRequest();
if (isset($params['_locales'])) {
if (false !== $pos = strpos($params['_route'], I18nLoader::ROUTING_PREFIX)) {
$params['_route'] = substr($params['_route'], $pos + strlen(I18nLoader::ROUTING_PREFIX));
if (!($currentLocale = $this->context->getParameter('_locale'))
&& null !== $request) {
$currentLocale = $this->localeResolver->resolveLocale(
$request, $params['_locales']
// If the locale resolver was not able to determine a locale, then all efforts to
// make an informed decision have failed. Just display something as a last resort.
if (!$currentLocale) {
$currentLocale = reset($params['_locales']);
if (!in_array($currentLocale, $params['_locales'], true)) {
// TODO: We might want to allow the user to be redirected to the route for the given locale if
// it exists regardless of whether it would be on another domain, or the same domain.
// Below we assume that we do not want to redirect always.
// if the available locales are on a different host, throw a ResourceNotFoundException
if ($this->hostMap) {
// generate host maps
$hostMap = $this->hostMap;
$availableHosts = array_map(function($locale) use ($hostMap) {
return $hostMap[$locale];
}, $params['_locales']);
$differentHost = true;
foreach ($availableHosts as $host) {
if ($this->hostMap[$currentLocale] === $host) {
$differentHost = false;
if ($differentHost) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sprintf('The route "%s" is not available on the current host "%s", but only on these hosts "%s".',
$params['_route'], $this->hostMap[$currentLocale], implode(', ', $availableHosts)));
// no host map, or same host means that the given locale is not supported for this route
throw new NotAcceptableLanguageException($currentLocale, $params['_locales']);
$params['_locale'] = $currentLocale;
} else if (isset($params['_locale']) && 0 < $pos = strpos($params['_route'], I18nLoader::ROUTING_PREFIX)) {
$params['_route'] = substr($params['_route'], $pos + strlen(I18nLoader::ROUTING_PREFIX));
// check if the matched route belongs to a different locale on another host
if (isset($params['_locale'])
&& isset($this->hostMap[$params['_locale']])
&& $this->context->getHost() !== $host = $this->hostMap[$params['_locale']]) {
if (!$this->redirectToHost) {
throw new ResourceNotFoundException(sprintf(
'Resource corresponding to pattern "%s" not found for locale "%s".', $url, $this->getContext()->getParameter('_locale')));
return array(
'_controller' => 'JMS\I18nRoutingBundle\Controller\RedirectController::redirectAction',
'path' => $url,
'host' => $host,
'permanent' => true,
'scheme' => $this->context->getScheme(),
'httpPort' => $this->context->getHttpPort(),
'httpsPort' => $this->context->getHttpsPort(),
'_route' => $params['_route'],
// if we have no locale set on the route, we try to set one according to the localeResolver
// if we don't do this all _internal routes will have the default locale on first request
if (!isset($params['_locale'])
&& null !== $request
&& $locale = $this->localeResolver->resolveLocale(
$this->container->getParameter('jms_i18n_routing.locales'))) {
$params['_locale'] = $locale;
return $params;
* @return Request|null
private function getRequest()
$request = null;
if ($this->container->has('request_stack')) {
$request = $this->container->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
} elseif (method_exists($this->container, 'isScopeActive') && $this->container->isScopeActive('request')) {
$request = $this->container->get('request');
return $request;