namespace Money;
use Money\Calculator\BcMathCalculator;
use Money\Calculator\GmpCalculator;
use Money\Calculator\PhpCalculator;
* Money Value Object.
* @author Mathias Verraes
* @psalm-immutable
final class Money implements \JsonSerializable
use MoneyFactory;
const ROUND_UP = 5;
const ROUND_DOWN = 6;
* Internal value.
* @var string
private $amount;
* @var Currency
private $currency;
* @var Calculator
private static $calculator;
* @var array
private static $calculators = [
* @param int|string $amount Amount, expressed in the smallest units of $currency (eg cents)
* @param Currency $currency
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If amount is not integer
public function __construct($amount, Currency $currency)
if (filter_var($amount, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) === false) {
$numberFromString = Number::fromString($amount);
if (!$numberFromString->isInteger()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Amount must be an integer(ish) value');
$amount = $numberFromString->getIntegerPart();
$this->amount = (string) $amount;
$this->currency = $currency;
* Returns a new Money instance based on the current one using the Currency.
* @param int|string $amount
* @return Money
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If amount is not integer
private function newInstance($amount)
return new self($amount, $this->currency);
* Checks whether a Money has the same Currency as this.
* @param Money $other
* @return bool
public function isSameCurrency(Money $other)
return $this->currency->equals($other->currency);
* Asserts that a Money has the same currency as this.
* @param Money $other
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $other has a different currency
private function assertSameCurrency(Money $other)
if (!$this->isSameCurrency($other)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Currencies must be identical');
* Checks whether the value represented by this object equals to the other.
* @param Money $other
* @return bool
public function equals(Money $other)
return $this->isSameCurrency($other) && $this->amount === $other->amount;
* Returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero
* if the value of this object is considered to be respectively
* less than, equal to, or greater than the other.
* @param Money $other
* @return int
public function compare(Money $other)
return $this->getCalculator()->compare($this->amount, $other->amount);
* Checks whether the value represented by this object is greater than the other.
* @param Money $other
* @return bool
public function greaterThan(Money $other)
return $this->compare($other) > 0;
* @param \Money\Money $other
* @return bool
public function greaterThanOrEqual(Money $other)
return $this->compare($other) >= 0;
* Checks whether the value represented by this object is less than the other.
* @param Money $other
* @return bool
public function lessThan(Money $other)
return $this->compare($other) < 0;
* @param \Money\Money $other
* @return bool
public function lessThanOrEqual(Money $other)
return $this->compare($other) <= 0;
* Returns the value represented by this object.
* @return string
public function getAmount()
return $this->amount;
* Returns the currency of this object.
* @return Currency
public function getCurrency()
return $this->currency;
* Returns a new Money object that represents
* the sum of this and an other Money object.
* @param Money[] $addends
* @return Money
public function add(Money ...$addends)
$amount = $this->amount;
$calculator = $this->getCalculator();
foreach ($addends as $addend) {
$amount = $calculator->add($amount, $addend->amount);
return new self($amount, $this->currency);
* Returns a new Money object that represents
* the difference of this and an other Money object.
* @param Money[] $subtrahends
* @return Money
* @psalm-pure
public function subtract(Money ...$subtrahends)
$amount = $this->amount;
$calculator = $this->getCalculator();
foreach ($subtrahends as $subtrahend) {
$amount = $calculator->subtract($amount, $subtrahend->amount);
return new self($amount, $this->currency);
* Asserts that the operand is integer or float.
* @param float|int|string $operand
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $operand is neither integer nor float
private function assertOperand($operand)
if (!is_numeric($operand)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Operand should be a numeric value, "%s" given.',
is_object($operand) ? get_class($operand) : gettype($operand)
* Asserts that rounding mode is a valid integer value.
* @param int $roundingMode
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If $roundingMode is not valid
private function assertRoundingMode($roundingMode)
if (!in_array(
$roundingMode, [
self::ROUND_HALF_UP, self::ROUND_UP, self::ROUND_DOWN,
], true
)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
'Rounding mode should be Money::ROUND_HALF_DOWN | '.
'Money::ROUND_HALF_UP | Money::ROUND_UP | Money::ROUND_DOWN'.
* Returns a new Money object that represents
* the multiplied value by the given factor.
* @param float|int|string $multiplier
* @param int $roundingMode
* @return Money
public function multiply($multiplier, $roundingMode = self::ROUND_HALF_UP)
$product = $this->round($this->getCalculator()->multiply($this->amount, $multiplier), $roundingMode);
return $this->newInstance($product);
* Returns a new Money object that represents
* the divided value by the given factor.
* @param float|int|string $divisor
* @param int $roundingMode
* @return Money
public function divide($divisor, $roundingMode = self::ROUND_HALF_UP)
$divisor = (string) Number::fromNumber($divisor);
if ($this->getCalculator()->compare($divisor, '0') === 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Division by zero');
$quotient = $this->round($this->getCalculator()->divide($this->amount, $divisor), $roundingMode);
return $this->newInstance($quotient);
* Returns a new Money object that represents
* the remainder after dividing the value by
* the given factor.
* @param Money $divisor
* @return Money
public function mod(Money $divisor)
return new self($this->getCalculator()->mod($this->amount, $divisor->amount), $this->currency);
* Allocate the money according to a list of ratios.
* @param array $ratios
* @return Money[]
public function allocate(array $ratios)
if (count($ratios) === 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot allocate to none, ratios cannot be an empty array');
$remainder = $this->amount;
$results = [];
$total = array_sum($ratios);
if ($total <= 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot allocate to none, sum of ratios must be greater than zero');
foreach ($ratios as $key => $ratio) {
if ($ratio < 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot allocate to none, ratio must be zero or positive');
$share = $this->getCalculator()->share($this->amount, $ratio, $total);
$results[$key] = $this->newInstance($share);
$remainder = $this->getCalculator()->subtract($remainder, $share);
if ($this->getCalculator()->compare($remainder, '0') === 0) {
return $results;
$fractions = array_map(function ($ratio) use ($total) {
$share = ($ratio / $total) * $this->amount;
return $share - floor($share);
}, $ratios);
while ($this->getCalculator()->compare($remainder, '0') > 0) {
$index = !empty($fractions) ? array_keys($fractions, max($fractions))[0] : 0;
$results[$index]->amount = $this->getCalculator()->add($results[$index]->amount, '1');
$remainder = $this->getCalculator()->subtract($remainder, '1');
return $results;
* Allocate the money among N targets.
* @param int $n
* @return Money[]
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException If number of targets is not an integer
public function allocateTo($n)
if (!is_int($n)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Number of targets must be an integer');
if ($n <= 0) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot allocate to none, target must be greater than zero');
return $this->allocate(array_fill(0, $n, 1));
* @param Money $money
* @return string
public function ratioOf(Money $money)
if ($money->isZero()) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot calculate a ratio of zero');
return $this->getCalculator()->divide($this->amount, $money->amount);
* @param string $amount
* @param int $rounding_mode
* @return string
private function round($amount, $rounding_mode)
if ($rounding_mode === self::ROUND_UP) {
return $this->getCalculator()->ceil($amount);
if ($rounding_mode === self::ROUND_DOWN) {
return $this->getCalculator()->floor($amount);
return $this->getCalculator()->round($amount, $rounding_mode);
* @return Money
public function absolute()
return $this->newInstance($this->getCalculator()->absolute($this->amount));
* @return Money
public function negative()
return $this->newInstance(0)->subtract($this);
* Checks if the value represented by this object is zero.
* @return bool
public function isZero()
return $this->getCalculator()->compare($this->amount, 0) === 0;
* Checks if the value represented by this object is positive.
* @return bool
public function isPositive()
return $this->getCalculator()->compare($this->amount, 0) > 0;
* Checks if the value represented by this object is negative.
* @return bool
public function isNegative()
return $this->getCalculator()->compare($this->amount, 0) < 0;
* {@inheritdoc}
* @return array
public function jsonSerialize()
return [
'amount' => $this->amount,
'currency' => $this->currency->jsonSerialize(),
* @param Money $first
* @param Money ...$collection
* @return Money
* @psalm-pure
public static function min(self $first, self ...$collection)
$min = $first;
foreach ($collection as $money) {
if ($money->lessThan($min)) {
$min = $money;
return $min;
* @param Money $first
* @param Money ...$collection
* @return Money
* @psalm-pure
public static function max(self $first, self ...$collection)
$max = $first;
foreach ($collection as $money) {
if ($money->greaterThan($max)) {
$max = $money;
return $max;
* @param Money $first
* @param Money ...$collection
* @return Money
* @psalm-pure
public static function sum(self $first, self ...$collection)
return $first->add(...$collection);
* @param Money $first
* @param Money ...$collection
* @return Money
* @psalm-pure
public static function avg(self $first, self ...$collection)
return $first->add(...$collection)->divide(func_num_args());
* @param string $calculator
public static function registerCalculator($calculator)
if (is_a($calculator, Calculator::class, true) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Calculator must implement '.Calculator::class);
array_unshift(self::$calculators, $calculator);
* @return Calculator
* @throws \RuntimeException If cannot find calculator for money calculations
private static function initializeCalculator()
$calculators = self::$calculators;
foreach ($calculators as $calculator) {
/** @var Calculator $calculator */
if ($calculator::supported()) {
return new $calculator();
throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot find calculator for money calculations');
* @return Calculator
private function getCalculator()
if (null === self::$calculator) {
self::$calculator = self::initializeCalculator();
return self::$calculator;