- Request / Response
- Performance
- Validator
- Forms
- Exception
- Logs 1009
- Events
- Routing
- Cache
- Translation 6
- Security
- Twig
- HTTP Client
- Doctrine
- Debug
- Httplug 0/0
- Messages
- E-mails
- Notifications
- Guzzle
Features 25
- VichUploader
- JMS Serializer 0
- Configuration
Configuration Settings
Default theme. It switches between Light and Dark automatically to match the operating system theme.
Provides greatest readability, but requires a well-lit environment.
Reduces eye fatigue. Ideal for low light environments.
Page Width
Fixed page width. Improves readability.
Dynamic page width. As wide as the browser window.
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | App\Entity\Applicant {#3783 -id: null -vacancy: App\Entity\Vacancy {#3960 …} -firstName: null -insertion: null -lastName: null -city: null -phone: null -intlPhone: null -email: null -createdAt: DateTime @1740208962 {#3790 date: 2025-02-22 08:22:42.922168 Europe/Amsterdam (+01:00) } -CVFile: null -motivationFile: null -fileName: null -fileSize: null -fileNameMotivation: null -fileSizeMotivation: null -motivation: null -status: null -description: null -notes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#3789 …} -data: null -questionAnswerData: null -acceptedPrivacyPolicy: false -applicantSendToApplicantMail: false -linkedinProfileUrl: null -deletedAt: null -clone: false -manual: false -manualMail: null -sentAt: null -externalId: null -externalCandidateId: null -updatedAt: null -utm: [] -knockoutQuestionAnswers: null -rejectedByKnockout: false -gdpr: null -locale: null -externalResumeId: null -applyUrl: null -company: null -applicantForm: null #anonymized: false } |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
action | "/solliciteren/349/modal" |
same as passed value |
attr | [ "class" => "recaptcha-form" "data-component" => "Form" "data-form-type" => "apply-form" ] |
[ "class" => "recaptcha-form" "data-component" => "Form" "data-form-type" => "apply-form" ] |
data | App\Entity\Applicant {#3783 -id: null -vacancy: App\Entity\Vacancy {#3960 …} -firstName: null -insertion: null -lastName: null -city: null -phone: null -intlPhone: null -email: null -createdAt: DateTime @1740208962 {#3790 date: 2025-02-22 08:22:42.922168 Europe/Amsterdam (+01:00) } -CVFile: null -motivationFile: null -fileName: null -fileSize: null -fileNameMotivation: null -fileSizeMotivation: null -motivation: null -status: null -description: null -notes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#3789 …} -data: null -questionAnswerData: null -acceptedPrivacyPolicy: false -applicantSendToApplicantMail: false -linkedinProfileUrl: null -deletedAt: null -clone: false -manual: false -manualMail: null -sentAt: null -externalId: null -externalCandidateId: null -updatedAt: null -utm: [] -knockoutQuestionAnswers: null -rejectedByKnockout: false -gdpr: null -locale: null -externalResumeId: null -applyUrl: null -company: null -applicantForm: null #anonymized: false } |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "/solliciteren/349/modal" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "class" => "recaptcha-form" "data-component" => "Form" "data-form-type" => "apply-form" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data | App\Entity\Applicant {#3783 -id: null -vacancy: App\Entity\Vacancy {#3960 …} -firstName: null -insertion: null -lastName: null -city: null -phone: null -intlPhone: null -email: null -createdAt: DateTime @1740208962 {#3790 date: 2025-02-22 08:22:42.922168 Europe/Amsterdam (+01:00) } -CVFile: null -motivationFile: null -fileName: null -fileSize: null -fileNameMotivation: null -fileSizeMotivation: null -motivation: null -status: null -description: null -notes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#3789 …} -data: null -questionAnswerData: null -acceptedPrivacyPolicy: false -applicantSendToApplicantMail: false -linkedinProfileUrl: null -deletedAt: null -clone: false -manual: false -manualMail: null -sentAt: null -externalId: null -externalCandidateId: null -updatedAt: null -utm: [] -knockoutQuestionAnswers: null -rejectedByKnockout: false -gdpr: null -locale: null -externalResumeId: null -applyUrl: null -company: null -applicantForm: null #anonymized: false } |
data_class | "App\Entity\Applicant" |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3633 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} use: { $class: "App\Entity\Applicant" } } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#2641 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3598 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "/solliciteren/349/modal" |
attr | [ "class" => "recaptcha-form" "data-component" => "Form" "data-form-type" => "apply-form" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "_form" ] |
cache_key | "_form_form" |
compound | true |
data | App\Entity\Applicant {#3783 -id: null -vacancy: App\Entity\Vacancy {#3960 …} -firstName: null -insertion: null -lastName: null -city: null -phone: null -intlPhone: null -email: null -createdAt: DateTime @1740208962 {#3790 date: 2025-02-22 08:22:42.922168 Europe/Amsterdam (+01:00) } -CVFile: null -motivationFile: null -fileName: null -fileSize: null -fileNameMotivation: null -fileSizeMotivation: null -motivation: null -status: null -description: null -notes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#3789 …} -data: null -questionAnswerData: null -acceptedPrivacyPolicy: false -applicantSendToApplicantMail: false -linkedinProfileUrl: null -deletedAt: null -clone: false -manual: false -manualMail: null -sentAt: null -externalId: null -externalCandidateId: null -updatedAt: null -utm: [] -knockoutQuestionAnswers: null -rejectedByKnockout: false -gdpr: null -locale: null -externalResumeId: null -applyUrl: null -company: null -applicantForm: null #anonymized: false } |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3396 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3445 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3453 …5} |
full_name | "form" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | true |
name | "form" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form" |
valid | true |
value | App\Entity\Applicant {#3783 -id: null -vacancy: App\Entity\Vacancy {#3960 …} -firstName: null -insertion: null -lastName: null -city: null -phone: null -intlPhone: null -email: null -createdAt: DateTime @1740208962 {#3790 date: 2025-02-22 08:22:42.922168 Europe/Amsterdam (+01:00) } -CVFile: null -motivationFile: null -fileName: null -fileSize: null -fileNameMotivation: null -fileSizeMotivation: null -motivation: null -status: null -description: null -notes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#3789 …} -data: null -questionAnswerData: null -acceptedPrivacyPolicy: false -applicantSendToApplicantMail: false -linkedinProfileUrl: null -deletedAt: null -clone: false -manual: false -manualMail: null -sentAt: null -externalId: null -externalCandidateId: null -updatedAt: null -utm: [] -knockoutQuestionAnswers: null -rejectedByKnockout: false -gdpr: null -locale: null -externalResumeId: null -applyUrl: null -company: null -applicantForm: null #anonymized: false } |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3489 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3606 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: null +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3489 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3606 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: null +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
label | "Voornaam" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | true |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3489 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3606 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: null +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3595 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Voornaam" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3614 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3567 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_form_firstname" ] |
cache_key | "_form_firstname_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3356 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3415 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3355 …5} |
full_name | "form[firstname]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_firstname" |
label | "Voornaam" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "firstname" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_firstname" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3605 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3604 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: null +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3605 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3604 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: null +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
label | "Achternaam" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | true |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3605 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3604 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: null +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3589 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Achternaam" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3587 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3588 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_form_lastname" ] |
cache_key | "_form_lastname_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3357 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3411 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3358 …5} |
full_name | "form[lastname]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_lastname" |
label | "Achternaam" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "lastname" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_lastname" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 15 "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "maxlength" => 15 "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3457 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3597 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: 15 +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3457 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3597 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: 15 +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
label | "Stad" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | true |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 15 "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3457 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3597 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: 15 +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3580 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Stad" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3578 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3579 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 15 "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "_form_city" ] |
cache_key | "_form_city_text" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3361 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3408 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3376 …5} |
full_name | "form[city]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_city" |
label | "Stad" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "city" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_city" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1 localized-phone-number" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1 localized-phone-number" ] |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3596 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Misd\PhoneNumberBundle\Validator\Constraints\PhoneNumber {#3454 +payload: null +message: null +type: "any" +defaultRegion: null +regionPath: null +format: null } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3596 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Misd\PhoneNumberBundle\Validator\Constraints\PhoneNumber {#3454 +payload: null +message: null +type: "any" +defaultRegion: null +regionPath: null +format: null } ] |
label | "Telefoonnummer" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | true |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1 localized-phone-number" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3596 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Misd\PhoneNumberBundle\Validator\Constraints\PhoneNumber {#3454 +payload: null +message: null +type: "any" +defaultRegion: null +regionPath: null +format: null } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3546 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
html5 | true |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Telefoonnummer" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3544 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3545 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1 localized-phone-number" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "tel" "phone" "_form_phone" ] |
cache_key | "_form_phone_phone" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3426 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3447 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3543 …5} |
full_name | "form[phone]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_phone" |
label | "Telefoonnummer" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "phone" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_phone" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 100 "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "maxlength" => 100 "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3613 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3612 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: 100 +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3613 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3612 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: 100 +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
label | "E-mailadres" |
same as passed value |
mapped | true |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 100 "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\NotBlank {#3613 +payload: null +message: "This value should not be blank." +allowNull: false +normalizer: null } Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Length {#3612 +payload: null +maxMessage: "This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} character or less.|This value is too long. It should have {{ limit }} characters or less." +minMessage: "This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} character or more.|This value is too short. It should have {{ limit }} characters or more." +exactMessage: "This value should have exactly {{ limit }} character.|This value should have exactly {{ limit }} characters." +charsetMessage: "This value does not match the expected {{ charset }} charset." +max: 100 +min: 1 +charset: "UTF-8" +normalizer: null +allowEmptyString: false } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3536 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "E-mailadres" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3529 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3537 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "maxlength" => 100 "minlength" => 1 "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "email" "_form_email" ] |
cache_key | "_form_email_email" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3586 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3442 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3577 …5} |
full_name | "form[email]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_email" |
label | "E-mailadres" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "email" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_email" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
constraints | [] |
[] |
label | "Motivatie" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | true |
same as passed value |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3521 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "Motivatie" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3516 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3522 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "text" "textarea" "_form_motivation" ] |
cache_key | "_form_motivation_textarea" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3372 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3439 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3615 …5} |
full_name | "form[motivation]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_motivation" |
label | "Motivatie" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "motivation" |
pattern | null |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_motivation" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format |
Normalized Format | [ "file" => null ] |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
allow_delete | false |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" "multiple" => false "accept" => "application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/pdf,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,text/plain" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" "multiple" => false "accept" => "application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/pdf,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,text/plain" ] |
constraints | Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\File {#3493 +payload: null +binaryFormat: false +mimeTypes: [ "application/msword" "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" "application/pdf" "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" "text/plain" ] +notFoundMessage: "The file could not be found." +notReadableMessage: "The file is not readable." +maxSizeMessage: "The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}." +mimeTypesMessage: "Dit veld ondersteunt alleen .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt, .txt" +disallowEmptyMessage: "An empty file is not allowed." +uploadIniSizeErrorMessage: "The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}." +uploadFormSizeErrorMessage: "The file is too large." +uploadPartialErrorMessage: "The file was only partially uploaded." +uploadNoFileErrorMessage: "No file was uploaded." +uploadNoTmpDirErrorMessage: "No temporary folder was configured in php.ini." +uploadCantWriteErrorMessage: "Cannot write temporary file to disk." +uploadExtensionErrorMessage: "A PHP extension caused the upload to fail." +uploadErrorMessage: "The file could not be uploaded." #maxSize: 15000000 } |
[ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\File {#3493 +payload: null +binaryFormat: false +mimeTypes: [ "application/msword" "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" "application/pdf" "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" "text/plain" ] +notFoundMessage: "The file could not be found." +notReadableMessage: "The file is not readable." +maxSizeMessage: "The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}." +mimeTypesMessage: "Dit veld ondersteunt alleen .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt, .txt" +disallowEmptyMessage: "An empty file is not allowed." +uploadIniSizeErrorMessage: "The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}." +uploadFormSizeErrorMessage: "The file is too large." +uploadPartialErrorMessage: "The file was only partially uploaded." +uploadNoFileErrorMessage: "No file was uploaded." +uploadNoTmpDirErrorMessage: "No temporary folder was configured in php.ini." +uploadCantWriteErrorMessage: "Cannot write temporary file to disk." +uploadExtensionErrorMessage: "A PHP extension caused the upload to fail." +uploadErrorMessage: "The file could not be uploaded." #maxSize: 15000000 } ] |
download_label | "download" |
same as passed value |
download_uri | true |
same as passed value |
label | "CV Uploaden" |
same as passed value |
label_html | true |
same as passed value |
mapped | true |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_delete | false |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
asset_helper | false |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" "multiple" => false "accept" => "application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/pdf,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,text/plain" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [ Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\File {#3493 +payload: null +binaryFormat: false +mimeTypes: [ "application/msword" "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document" "application/pdf" "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text" "text/plain" ] +notFoundMessage: "The file could not be found." +notReadableMessage: "The file is not readable." +maxSizeMessage: "The file is too large ({{ size }} {{ suffix }}). Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}." +mimeTypesMessage: "Dit veld ondersteunt alleen .doc, .docx, .pdf, .odt, .txt" +disallowEmptyMessage: "An empty file is not allowed." +uploadIniSizeErrorMessage: "The file is too large. Allowed maximum size is {{ limit }} {{ suffix }}." +uploadFormSizeErrorMessage: "The file is too large." +uploadPartialErrorMessage: "The file was only partially uploaded." +uploadNoFileErrorMessage: "No file was uploaded." +uploadNoTmpDirErrorMessage: "No temporary folder was configured in php.ini." +uploadCantWriteErrorMessage: "Cannot write temporary file to disk." +uploadExtensionErrorMessage: "A PHP extension caused the upload to fail." +uploadErrorMessage: "The file could not be uploaded." #maxSize: 15000000 } ] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data_class | null |
delete_label | "vich_uploader.form_label.delete_confirm" |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
download_label | "download" |
download_link | null |
download_uri | true |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3504 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "CV Uploaden" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3502 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3503 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
asset_helper | false |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" "multiple" => false "accept" => "application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/pdf,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,text/plain" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "vich_file" "_form_CVFile" ] |
cache_key | "_form_CVFile_vich_file" |
compound | true |
data | [ "file" => null ] |
disabled | false |
download_label | "download" |
download_uri | null |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3374 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3420 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3353 …5} |
full_name | "form[CVFile]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_CVFile" |
label | "CV Uploaden" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | true |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | true |
name | "CVFile" |
object | App\Entity\Applicant {#3783 -id: null -vacancy: App\Entity\Vacancy {#3960 …} -firstName: null -insertion: null -lastName: null -city: null -phone: null -intlPhone: null -email: null -createdAt: DateTime @1740208962 {#3790 date: 2025-02-22 08:22:42.922168 Europe/Amsterdam (+01:00) } -CVFile: null -motivationFile: null -fileName: null -fileSize: null -fileNameMotivation: null -fileSizeMotivation: null -motivation: null -status: null -description: null -notes: Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection {#3789 …} -data: null -questionAnswerData: null -acceptedPrivacyPolicy: false -applicantSendToApplicantMail: false -linkedinProfileUrl: null -deletedAt: null -clone: false -manual: false -manualMail: null -sentAt: null -externalId: null -externalCandidateId: null -updatedAt: null -utm: [] -knockoutQuestionAnswers: null -rejectedByKnockout: false -gdpr: null -locale: null -externalResumeId: null -applyUrl: null -company: null -applicantForm: null #anonymized: false } |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" ] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_CVFile" |
valid | true |
value | [ "file" => null ] |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format |
"" |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" "multiple" => false "accept" => "application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/pdf,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,text/plain" ] |
[ "class" => "form-control column-1" "multiple" => false "accept" => "application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/pdf,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,text/plain" ] |
label | "CV Uploaden" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
translation_domain | null |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | true |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" "multiple" => false "accept" => "application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/pdf,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,text/plain" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data_class | "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\File" |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | null |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | "CV Uploaden" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
multiple | false |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3429 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3428 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [ "class" => "form-control column-1" "multiple" => false "accept" => "application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/pdf,application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,text/plain" ] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "file" "_form_CVFile_file" ] |
cache_key | "_form_CVFile_file_file" |
compound | false |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3340 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3378 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3337 …5} |
full_name | "form[CVFile][file]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_CVFile_file" |
label | "CV Uploaden" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | true |
name | "file" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
type | "file" |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_CVFile_file" |
valid | true |
value | "" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | false |
View Format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
data | false |
label | "ja, werkgevers mogen met mij contact opnemen" |
same as passed value |
required | true |
same as passed value |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data | false |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form, $viewData) {#3487 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType {#3488 …} } |
error_bubbling | false |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
false_values | [
] |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | Closure($modelData): bool {#3480 returnType: "bool" class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CheckboxType" } |
label | "ja, werkgevers mogen met mij contact opnemen" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | true |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3479 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3476 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
value | "1" |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "checkbox" "checkbox_html" "_form_acceptedPrivacyPolicy" ] |
cache_key | "_form_acceptedPrivacyPolicy_checkbox_html" |
checked | false |
compound | false |
data | false |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3351 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3419 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3348 …5} |
full_name | "form[acceptedPrivacyPolicy]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_acceptedPrivacyPolicy" |
label | "ja, werkgevers mogen met mij contact opnemen" |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "acceptedPrivacyPolicy" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_acceptedPrivacyPolicy" |
valid | true |
value | "1" |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | null |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
No options were passed when constructing this form.
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | null |
by_reference | true |
compound | true |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3461 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3459 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3460 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "recaptcha" "_form_captcha" ] |
cache_key | "_form_captcha_recaptcha" |
compound | true |
data | null |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3338 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3417 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3341 …5} |
full_name | "form[captcha]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form_captcha" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "captcha" |
priority | 0 |
required | true |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form_captcha" |
valid | true |
value | null |
Default Data
Property | Value |
Model Format | same as normalized format |
Normalized Format | "ba451a4.RjcBpjogwKp8jH7wzgfgvseaISqyg-Dy9PppqJeNrzQ.CF01_05Ghe87uw6xmXajiK70V2TG7a6Kx6gtm9rPmQETXFHMV2mYyRnbSg" |
View Format | same as normalized format |
Submitted Data
This form was not submitted.
Passed Options
Option | Passed Value | Resolved Value |
block_prefix | "csrf_token" |
same as passed value |
data | "ba451a4.RjcBpjogwKp8jH7wzgfgvseaISqyg-Dy9PppqJeNrzQ.CF01_05Ghe87uw6xmXajiK70V2TG7a6Kx6gtm9rPmQETXFHMV2mYyRnbSg" |
same as passed value |
mapped | false |
Resolved Options
Option | Value |
action | "" |
allow_extra_fields | false |
allow_file_upload | false |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
auto_initialize | true |
block_name | null |
block_prefix | "csrf_token" |
by_reference | true |
compound | false |
constraints | [] |
csrf_field_name | "_token" |
csrf_message | "The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form." |
csrf_protection | true |
csrf_token_id | null |
csrf_token_manager | Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\CsrfTokenManager {#3646 -generator: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenGenerator\UriSafeTokenGenerator {#3645 …} -storage: Symfony\Component\Security\Csrf\TokenStorage\SessionTokenStorage {#3644 …} -namespace: Closure() {#3637 …} } |
data | "ba451a4.RjcBpjogwKp8jH7wzgfgvseaISqyg-Dy9PppqJeNrzQ.CF01_05Ghe87uw6xmXajiK70V2TG7a6Kx6gtm9rPmQETXFHMV2mYyRnbSg" |
data_class | null |
disabled | false |
documentation | [] |
empty_data | Closure(FormInterface $form) {#3333 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\FormType {#3719 …} } |
error_bubbling | true |
error_mapping | [] |
extra_fields_message | "This form should not contain extra fields." |
form_attr | false |
getter | null |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
inherit_data | false |
invalid_message | "This value is not valid." |
invalid_message_parameters | [] |
is_empty_callback | null |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
legacy_error_messages | true |
mapped | false |
method | "POST" |
post_max_size_message | "The uploaded file was too large. Please try to upload a smaller file." |
priority | 0 |
property_path | null |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
setter | null |
translation_domain | null |
trim | true |
upload_max_size_message | Closure() {#3331 class: "Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension" this: Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Validator\Type\UploadValidatorExtension {#3629 …} use: { $translator: Symfony\Component\Translation\DataCollectorTranslator {#1827 …} $translationDomain: "validators" $message: Closure() {#3334 …} } } |
validation_groups | null |
View Variables
Variable | Value |
action | "" |
attr | [] |
attr_translation_parameters | [] |
block_prefixes | [ "form" "hidden" "csrf_token" "_form__token" ] |
cache_key | "_form__token_hidden" |
compound | false |
data | "ba451a4.RjcBpjogwKp8jH7wzgfgvseaISqyg-Dy9PppqJeNrzQ.CF01_05Ghe87uw6xmXajiK70V2TG7a6Kx6gtm9rPmQETXFHMV2mYyRnbSg" |
disabled | false |
errors | Symfony\Component\Form\FormErrorIterator {#3323 -form: Symfony\Component\Form\Form {#3327 …} -errors: [] } |
form | Symfony\Component\Form\FormView {#3352 …5} |
full_name | "form[_token]" |
help | null |
help_attr | [] |
help_html | false |
help_translation_parameters | [] |
id | "form__token" |
label | null |
label_attr | [] |
label_format | null |
label_html | false |
label_translation_parameters | [] |
method | "POST" |
multipart | false |
name | "_token" |
priority | 0 |
required | false |
row_attr | [] |
size | null |
submitted | false |
translation_domain | null |
unique_block_prefix | "_form__token" |
valid | true |
value | "ba451a4.RjcBpjogwKp8jH7wzgfgvseaISqyg-Dy9PppqJeNrzQ.CF01_05Ghe87uw6xmXajiK70V2TG7a6Kx6gtm9rPmQETXFHMV2mYyRnbSg" |